Monday, July 2, 2012

current obsessions

This is what Elise does all the time.  She LOVES Duplos.  She picks these over every single other toy.  She just wants to build a "houwsssshe" all day long. 

Daddy is tickling!


We got in the car to run some errands today and she says "meow? meow?".   Since we were headed to Hobby Lobby and Lowes and she is the sweetest thing - sometimes we go to PetSmart too.  She knows what it is and gets so excited.  She knows right where the kitties are, and then proceeds to tour the whole place including the fish, birds, and dog grooming area.  It's kind of like a free trip to the zoo.  (Actually - the real zoo is on our list of things to do this coming weekend - I'm pretty sure she's going to flip.)

She pretended to be a kitty all afternoon.  I have to pet her and rub her tummy.


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