Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Elise spent her Memorial Day lounging at the lake.

She did a little swimming...

Had a little patriotic Popsicle...

Crawled in and out of her pool... (which I got at Petsmart)

Played with the hose...

It was very hot (90!) today....

Elise had to do a little modeling for Mommy. I have been dying for it to be hot out so she could finally wear her ruffled sunsuit! She is so stinking cute in it I could just eat her up. And I couldn't let her go anywhere without matching accessories of course.
[sunsuit will soon be available in our etsy shop!]

And this is just cute:

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Elise has lots of people that love her. Tonight Grandpa and Grandma Goote, and Auntie Sarah & Adam came out to the lake for dinner. My parents and Auntie Aubrey were there too -- Elise got lots and lots of attention. After it rained all afternoon, we braved the lake for a little boat ride.


Here's Elise and everyone that looks just like her.

Poor thing was tuckered out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rainy Day

Elise and I had a fabulous day. She let me sleep in until 8, took a two hour morning nap, and then we just played and played until we went to Meijer to get a few groceries. Elise loves to ride in the shopping cart.

We played for a long time in the kitchen.

Funnest. Cabinet. Ever.

There's so much fun stuff in here!

She was having so much fun today she decided to skip her afternoon nap. It was okay though, she was happy as can be anyways.

My stove is covered in baby kisses.

This is how I made dinner tonight.

Sometimes it's a good thing when your kitchen is so small you hardly have to take any steps to get around. That way you don't step on baby fingers.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

10 Months Old!

Elise is 10 months old! I can't believe it. She is getting so big. She crawls everywhere very fast. She pulls herself up on everything, and will even stand by herself for a few minutes while she looks very proud. She loves her ball popper, chasing Ollie, and her dancing duck. She can say Dada, Mama, and lots of other baby sounds. It's very cute.

Daddy was getting some cuddling time this morning.

She was watching me mow the lawn through the front door.

She was very excited.

Elise LOVES it when I clean her ears. Loves it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday at the Lake

Uncle John & Auntie Gracie were in town for the weekend. Elise was having a fun night with Uncle John, who gave her some crackers.

"Can I have a sip of that?"

"Hey you're pretty nice!!"

Elise loves her Auntie Aubrey.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Man, this girl is B.U.S.Y. Check out what she learned how to do.

"Look Mom I climbed a step!"

"Hmmm.... What's up there?"

"Look Mom, no hands!"

"Aww crap."

And I'm pretty sure I have the cutest kid ever. Just my opinion.

Today she kept doing this. Over and over.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just your average Tuesday

We usually let Elise crawl around all naked for awhile before bath. She LOVES it.

Here she's being very fancy and standing up.

We hope she pees on the wood floor rather than the carpet.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Stuff

This is for Lauren who called me this morning saying I hadn't posted pictures in three days. Here you go Sis. :-)

These are the only pictures I took on Mothers Day - I was a slacker. I love the pic of Elise and her Daddy - with Uncle Tom in the background.

Elise has been very very very busy lately. So far I've had to move every basket in my coffee table, move the dog toys, and move a lamp downstairs because Elise kept trying to chew on the cord. I have to always put my shoes away right away or she will try to eat them.

She has to kiss every toy she crawls to.

These are just because she's cute.

Elise was loving her grilled cheese for dinner tonight. She also likes to eat bread at Panera, bananas, oranges, graham crackers... it's so fun!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Elise's First Boat Ride

There are way too many pictures in this post. But you don't have to look if you don't want to. :-)

Today was absolutely beautiful! Lauren and Carl came up for the weekend so we had a wonderful day out at the lake. Elise went on her first boat ride!

She was loving it. It was very sunny though. A boat hat is on our shopping list!

Elise got a little hungry on the boat and remembered she used to have some pretty good snacks from here..... KIDDING. She kept trying to bite the button on my jacket and it looked so funny!

We decided that headbands look best on Elise, not Grandma or Auntie Aubrey.

Elise is SO fast at crawling now!

Her aunties adore her.

Such a fun day!
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