Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas at FMG

Sunday we headed to Frederick Meijer Gardens to check out their Christmas displays. They were having a big open house with tram rides and everything. Lots and lots of Christmas Trees and lights. It was a bit challenging navigating the crowds with a one-year-old who only wants to do this:

And.  I wore my wig.  You might say I was getting wiggy with it. 
Na na na na na na na.

Bonus points for you if you know what that's from.
Bonus points for me if it's stuck in your head all day.  Sorry 'bout that.

Anyways.  I need to get the front trimmed because it was in my eyes all night and I was so annoyed I almost threw it off the Christmas tram.  I actually did rip it off the minute I was in the car because it was sorta itchy and really hot.   Wig + toddler = sweaty mommy.   

Let's just say if God can count the hairs on your head, he doesn't have to count very high for me.  Nick said last night that Elise officially has more hair than I do.  I'm a Baldy McBaldypants.  Not so cute.  

The wig sorta makes me feel weird.  Like everyone can tell it's a wig, but my family swears that no one would be able to tell.  I hope they're not just saying that to be nice.  It's actually pretty cute and the color is just right.

It was a pretty fun night.  Very Christmas-y.  


  1. Elise looks SO cute in these pics! And so do you!! I can't help but laugh remembering when your dad put that wig on and tried to act really cool and hip. Tried...... Oh my word I about wet my pants laughing at him.

  2. The hair IS cute! I like the style. And I love Elise's outfit, as usual. Looks like a fun time was had by all.

  3. Your hair looks so cute, and very real! Seriously!!! You look amazing, as always...nothing has changed about that one bit! And my goodness, your sweet little girlie is just as cute as can be all dressed up in her Christmas outfit!

  4. i can't tell it's a wig!!! you look super cute! my mom had a wig when she went through chemo and she had people asking her all the time how she got her hair to look so perfect all the time and where she got it cut -- wigs are the new thing ;)

  5. rach you look adorable!!! Seriously, I am not just being nice either! It looks great on you and you are right, the color is perfect! Very cute!!!!

    And of course, Elise is adorable as always!!

  6. you look precious. totally can't tell. i clicked on the pic to make it bigger (only to see you three up close and personal) and i really couldn't tell. swear. i a-dore e's christmas outfit!!! that girl seriously gets cuter with every post!!! oh, and i'm pretty sure will smith will be rockin' out in my head. all. day. thank you for that!

  7. Rach, you look cute! I love the style!

  8. Rachel, been praying for you guys...and the wig is TOTALLY you! You can NOT tell it is a wig and you pull it off very well! Hopefully you will get used to it soon. Hugs.

  9. Hi Rachel,

    It's been a very long time since I "stalked" your blog through Jayne's, and I just spent an hour or so back tracking through all that's happened to you and your family these past few months. Wow. Your ability to smile and laugh through it all is a sign of your incredible strength. I will be praying for you. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. And, fyi, you are rockin' that hair-do!


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