Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  We sure did.  We are incredibly blessed and incredibly FULL.  I'm on a diet now.  I swear.  Here's a few of the pictures I took celebrating Christmas with my family.  Elise would get SO excited by these toys.   She loves it.   As soon as it was open she plopped herself in Nick's lap until it was assembled.  So cute.

The girl loves to accessorize.   Seriously.

Check out the purse and glitter shoes.   She actually flipped out when we tried to take them off once.   I may have created a monster. 

She also decided she wanted to eat a red pepper.  Raw.   Like an apple.  You could hear her crunching and taking huge bites out of it. 

This week I've had another PET/CT scan and a pulmonary function test.  We'll get the results next week Tuesday when we meet with the doctor before my next chemo treatment.  After that we'll only have three more! 

1 comment:

  1. what a sweetie! Glitter shoes are the best, so much fun!!!

    anxious to hear results next week!


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