Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the view from here.

Not too shabby.  You know it's fall when the lake steams up in the mornings. 

Another one from just right now.  My mom kept saying "you have to come look at this!"  You never get sick of this view. 

Elise and I played outside for awhile this afternoon. 

"Ooh! A flower!  I think I'll eat it."

I got my hair cut today.  Thanks to Deb Eisma (the nicest human being in the world), I have a new, short, little haircut.  Chances pretty good that it will fall out, or at least thin like crazy about two weeks after I start chemo.   Chemo countdown:  T minus 6 days.

Elise has some cute little baby curls.   Actually she has a mullet.  But it's red and curly so it's awesome.

This is what most of my pictures looked like from today.  Elise running away from me and towards the lake.

I'm in the homestretch of the fertility treatments.  It's rough.  I have to give myself three shots a day and they make me feel, well...blech.  That's about the best word to describe it.   Just yucky.  And tired.  I have to go in to the office every other day for bloodwork and an ultrasound.  Hopefully we will be done with all that crazy business on Friday, they'll do the retrieval on Sunday, I'll have a day off, and then chemo will start Tuesday.  We are just so ready to start so we can be that much closer to being done.  If everything goes on schedule, my last chemo treatment will be February 14.  It can't come soon enough!

Also, I want to thank everyone again for all the thoughtful cards and calls.  Honestly, I don't think a day has passed where we haven't gotten something in the mail.  Thank you so, so, so much. 


  1. You look very cute with that short hair! Elise's is looking particularly long in the back in a couple of those pictures! Our thoughts are always with you and Nick and Elise.

  2. Rach, you look beautiful! And Elise does too, of course! :) And so does the view of the!

    Good luck with everything. You know we're thinking about you tons!

  3. Rach, your hair is so stinking cute. And Elise's mullet is the cutest mullet I've ever seen. And I want Auntie Terri's view! So pretty.

  4. Whoa there is a lot of CUTE hair in this post!!! Beautiful ladies!!!!

  5. Wow! Elise's hair is really growing. What a beautiful place to do your "healing." Thinking of you all the time...

  6. Rachel you have been doing awesome. I can't think of a time that I have been more proud of the way you are handeling things. We are proud to be your family. And we love you.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Haircut is adorable! And I love your mom's comment. Love you rach.


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