Monday, September 26, 2011

ugh. {an update}

Thought it was about time for an update.  When people start calling to see if you're okay because you haven't updated your blog in 4 days, it's time.  Unfortunately it's not a great update.  

After a week of feeling amazing, Last Wednesday night I got hit pretty hard.  I've had really bad headaches that start when I wake up and pretty much last all day if I'm not laying down.  I get extreme sweats on and off all day.  The kind that soak your tank top and make your hair wet.  That alternates with bouts of being freezing cold, where no amount of clothes or blankets will warm me up.  I've also been hit with the dreaded mouth sores all around my lips and sides of my mouth, which adds a lot of pain that hits you unexpectedly a lot - like when I kiss Elise, or put on chapstick.   I went to bed at 8:30 on Saturday, and pretty much slept until 3:30 on Sunday.  I'm SO tired all the time.  All of this is coming right before my next round of chemo tomorrow.  This is really, really not fun guys.  

I couldn't do it without my family.  My sister Lauren arrived tonight so she can come with me to chemo tomorrow, and my mom will stay with Elise during the day.  Hopefully tomorrow's treatment will be shorter than the first one and I'll have more good days in my future.  Feeling like crap is no fun.  I feel useless, I pretty much nap or watch Elise run around, but I'm not really able to play.  Good thing she's so easy, she's pretty much happy no matter what she's doing.  Love that girl, we don't know what we'd do without her. 

So that's the scoop around here.  Kinda depressing, I know.  I'll get some cute pictures of Elise up here pretty soon. 


  1. Rachel~
    I am sure we all appreciate your updates. I pray that God holds you tight and brings you some relief through all of this. I also pray that you know that it is ok for you to rest as much as you need, that you remember how strong God made you, and that we ALL love you so very much!

    ~Andrea & Todd~

  2. I hate cancer and I hate what it's doing to you. Love you Rach.

  3. Rachel, I'm sorry you're feeling crappy. Please know that we're praying for you. Hang in there!

  4. Boo rach.... So sorry. Will be thinking of you today for sure. Wish I could be there to help you somehow!

  5. I sure hate that you are going through this. :( Love you, Rach.

  6. That sucks Rach. I'm sorry that chemo makes you feel so awful. Praying hard for you!

    Also, if you're up for reading a blog from someone who's just gone through the same thing, also with a new baby, check out She graduated from GRCHS the same year I did, just went through chemo, and has been cancer free for about 6 months now.

    Love you!

  7. We are thinking and praying for you and your family! Love from DC

  8. I'm so sorry, Rachel. I wish so much there was a way I could make it better for you. Love you.

  9. This made me cry...I hate that you have to go through this. But you will get through it all and look back at this as just a giant hill (or i'm sure it feels more like a mountain) to climb. You can do it, and we're so glad you have such an amazing family surrounding you right now. Sending prayers for you, always. LOVE YOU, Rachel.


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