Monday, February 13, 2012

choosing JOY

I read  a lot of blogs.  A few family blogs, a lot of mommy blogs, a couple "make your house cute" blogs.  I recently made this family "yearbook"  a la Young House Love.  We made it through MyPublisher.  It took a few nights of organizing photos but it turned out really great.  We got it under a free extra pages promotion so it was only $35 - an awesome deal for a book over 80 pages long!

I've found a few "cancer" blogs throughout my treatment process too.  Some are uplifting, some are sad, some are full of complaints.  Some focus way too much on the bad.  Why did I get cancer.  I'm so sad I got cancer.  I can't believe this happened to me.  They detail every single terrible thing that chemo does to them.  I get it.  I've been through it.  Chemo totally sucks.  I have my TWELFTH chemo tomorrow.  I know about the bad stuff.  I lost almost all my hair.  I have like 5 hairs left on my eyebrows.  I get so tired I go to bed at 8pm and take three hour naps. My nose runs like a faucet 24 hours a day.  I'll spare you more details. 

Only God knows why I got cancer.  I didn't choose it.  No one would.


I CAN choose how I respond to it.  I can CHOOSE JOY.  Why wouldn't I?  I've got it pretty darn good.   One blog I read is super inspiring -Lil Blue Boo - a woman who thought she was pregnant, only to find out it wasn't a pregnancy - it was cancer.  A rare type of cancer that required an emergency hysterectomy and grueling chemo that may or may not be working.  Way worse than me.  She chooses joy. 

I have no control over the crazy lady in front of me swearing at the pharmacist at Meijer about an insurance issue.  But I can control how patient I am and how nice I can be to the poor pharmacist.  You never know what someone else is going through.   Elise and I don't mind waiting an extra few minutes and having another pack of smarties.  Elise was probably happier.

I guess my point is just to quit bitching about your life and be happy with what you have.  I'm alive.  I'm cancer-free (yay!).  I have a sweet husband and a precious daughter.  I have a beautiful home and amazing family.  I am joyful.

(The cotton balls are an idea I found online: we were working on the word soft.   Elise mostly just threw them and tore them into tiny pieces.) 

Chemo #12 tomorrow.  Last one.  AND -- my hair is growing back!! Already!  I can't believe it.  It's super fuzzy and still pretty thin on top.  My mom took a buzzer to it with a guard last weekend so it's all the same length now.  But it's growing!  I may not need to sport the turbans on Spring Break.  I'll just be the weird lady with the buzz cut. 


  1. So happy...and Elise is SO CUTE! We'll be thinking about both of you tomorrow and praying all goes well.

  2. Rachel, you are such an inspiration. Having worked at an oncology office for 9 years, I know the toll cancer takes, and how hard it can be to see the light at the end. Know that you will continually be lifted up in prayer. Praise God to be cancer free, Praise God for your family and Praise God for fuzzy hair!

  3. Awwww, Rach. You are SO inspiring. Love you!

  4. Only ONE more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. So glad chemo is behind you after today, rach. I love your attitude, and I love YOU!

  6. You are truly an inspiration through all of this Rachel! SO GLAD YOU ARE DONE!!!!!!!


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