Friday, February 24, 2012


Now that I'm back up and running (that's a figure of speech, people.  I'm not really running.  seriously.) I've been busy.  I've cleaned out closets.  I've actually hung something up on the walls in my bathroom.  I vacuumed.  I've stocked up the pantry.  And it feels so so good.  Just knowing I don't have to go back to chemo on Tuesday puts me in a great mood. 

 This is what Elise did while I put away the groceries yesterday:

And this is what our playroom looks like by 9am every day.  She likes to empty all the stuffed animals out of their basket, hug them all, and then climb in the basket to empty out the other toy chest.  Cleaning up hurricane Elise several times a day should be considered exercise.  Yep, I'm considering that exercise. 

Looking forward to this weekend.  Nick graciously volunteered to stay home tonight while I go see 'Mary Poppins' which is downtown at DeVos this weekend.  (Actually, Nick hates musicals so this was not a sacrifice - although I greatly appreciate it.)  Then tomorrow morning we're dropping Elise off at the pancake breakfast at West Side with Grandpa & Grandma, and Nick and I are heading out for a night to celebrate the end of chemo!  Excited for a date. 

Next week I'm on my own while Nick heads to England (fancypants) for the week for work.  Although now when I think of England I just think of 'Downton Abbey' - the show that I became addicted to (it's on netflix!) and couldn't stop til I was done.  You should watch it.  Tea anyone?


  1. So happy you feel so great! What a relief that chemo visits no longer structure your whole life!

  2. I think that counts as exercise...It keeps you busy that's for sure! Elise sure looks cute hugging that bear, LOVE HER! And i'm SOOO glad that you don't have to go back this week sis!


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