Tuesday, February 22, 2011

7 Months!

Our little Elise is 7 months old! Poor thing has a little cold right now, and if I try and wipe the never ending trail of snot from her little nose she screams as if I'm torturing her.

So this was definitely the highlight of my day:
This little hat was cracking me up. I'm pretty sure it came from our cousins Elle & Lola - I found two of them in my bag of hats!

Downside of my day: spilling red crystal light on the white carpet in the middle of my living room. I had to have an emergency visit from the carpet cleaners - luckily they were able to get it out but I am only allowing clear liquids in my living room from now on. Now I get why my mom always said that. And the fact that I am me and I've done crap like this my whole life. I will send something cute to the person who comments with the best example of another incident where I've spilled something. Or broke something. This oughta be good.


  1. Love this post. In your defense, white carpet sounds like a nightmare!!!!

    What comes to mind for me is when you were little and INSISTED on making dandelion chains, even though they stained your shirt. Then, you remembered how much trouble you'd get for getting all those little "dandelion juice dots" on your cute little matching Spumoni outfit, you colored on top of each spot with markers.

    You were awfully cute and always hilarious, but I'm glad you weren't my child. Now that I'm older when hearing these stories, you sound like you were a LOT of work. ;)

  2. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, where do I begin? Let's see, how about the time you stole that chocolate candy from a gas station and hid it in your underwear and when your mom looked back in the car, you were licking brown stuff from your fingers that you had gotten out of your underwear? Yup, that's a memory if I ever heard one!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha.

    I have more, but I'll give others a crack at you first.

  3. AG - you might be disqualified because "stealing something" was NOT an option! LOL... yes people - that one's true.

  4. Red nail polish on your bedroom carpet...after I had told you for 10 years only to do nail polish stuff in the bathroom. We had to cut it out. It never looked the same. Maybe some day Elise will like to do polish in her bedroom too. I'll have to tell her that's the best place.

  5. aww man! all the best ones are taken!

  6. Lauren - I can think of MANY more. But I'm not willingly volunteering this information.

  7. My favorite is when Rachel was told to hold the string for the kitchen table lamp at our old house, and when the lamp fell onto the table we all assumed rachel has dropped it and all turned around to yell at her, but she was still holding the limp string and the lamp had just broken.


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