Wednesday, January 30, 2013

sweet little sickie

Sweet Elise.  She has a bad cold and cough.  She was up every couple hours last night...little sweetheart.  

She wakes up crying and says "Need you, Mommy.   Not feel good."  
So I go in and give her a drink of water.  
Elise:  "This water taste so good."
Me:  "Do you want Mommy to rockie for a few minutes?"
Elise:  "Go back in my bed with Daisy"

Repeat a couple times.  

 This morning:  "Lay my cheek on this pillow watch Mickey.  Make me feel much better.  'Punzel blankie keep me warm."

Neither of us changed out of our pajamas all day.  By the end of the day (with a couple doses of Motrin) she was doing much better.  I should probably shower now. 


  1. oh sweet elise. glad she feels better! Even daisy looks worried to me in that picture...

  2. awww... poor elise! glad you were able to stay in your pajamas all day. i bet her mama was tired too after waking up all night! glad she's feeling better!

  3. Do you even realize how sweet she truly is? Sweet girl. Every sentence is pure sweetness out of her mouth. Feel better soon, Elise!

  4. Aww, I agree with Emily. She is seriously the sweetest thing. Makes getting up in the night easier, knowing you are gonna see such a little sweetheart. I hope she feels better soon!!

  5. At Wendy's today.."This ice cream (frosty) make me feel much better..thank you Gamma." She is just the best!

  6. Oh my word she is sweet and cute!


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