Friday, January 18, 2013

her best friend daisy

Elise loves her Daisy.   She insists we put Daisy next to her at the table.  She eventually had to move so I could eat dinner.  And Elise set the table.  I think she used all the forks. 

"Daisy my friend.  Daisy watch this show with me - sit by me on couch."

"Help Daisy paint."
(Totally not kidding when I say we paint all.the.time.  And Elise always messes up my picture.   The nerve.)

A few more gems from our funny girl this week:

[playing tea party:]
"mix mix mix, this tea delicious."

[randomly while painting:] 
"not everybody get me.  sit on mommy's lap be safe."

[walking into the grocery store:]
"that car chase me.  mommy keep me safe."

[when daddy comes home from work:]
"daddy's home dinnertime!  i love my daddy." 

[going upstairs to go to bed:]
"go upstairs.  mommy not pinch my buns.  not pinch my buns, daddy."
(I can't help it.  Her buns are just so perfectly pinch-able.)


  1. the buns pinching is hilarious. Reminds me of my own childhood getting my buns pinched.

  2. Oh I just think she's the sweetest! And that pinching the buns comment is too cute!


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