Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lesson Learned

It was nice enough yesterday to take a little walk in the stroller. Just as we were getting home, she fell asleep. I thought - ooh okay I'll take another lap around (about a mile and a half). Elise slept the whole time - and then refused to nap the rest of the day. It's like she thought, "eh, I snoozed for 30 minutes before lunch, I don't need another nap!" The girl was beside herself by 6:30, and o-u-t OUT by 7. Lesson learned. When baby falls asleep in stroller - don't let her keep sleeping!!

Doesn't she look sweet though?

1 comment:

  1. yeah, stroller naps never worked for us either. weirdest thing. if olivia napped in the stroller, the aftermath was like a day with no naps at all. made no sense. i'm just glad you figured it out sooner than i did...and yes, she looks so sweet!!!


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