Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Labor Day so far has been really rainy, so we're spending a nice cozy day at home. Elise is currently passed out in her bouncy seat, which is where she's been spending most of her nights lately. If you put her in there she falls asleep immediately. Put her back in her bed at night and she fusses and grunts for a half hour before I finally give up, go get her and she falls asleep on me. Bouncy seat = more sleep for Mommy & Elise. Win-win.

Here's a few pictures we've taken lately...

She loves to hold her head up and look around lately so we tried out the Bumbo! She had fun for about five minutes and then got sick of it. She looks completely freaked out in this picture - I think it's the flash. Cracks me up.

Elise went to church for the first time yesterday - she did so good and slept the whole time! She's sporting another super cute outfit thanks to our cousins!

Hanging out with Daddy at night...

Grandpa & Grandma Goote took this adorable picture when they were babysitting last week!


  1. LOVE the pic by Nick's parents! I think she definitely has red hair! P.S. Eli slept in a bouncy seat for a long time, too. Whatever works!

  2. That is the sweetest baby girl!

  3. well, i'm glad you found something that soothes that little princess girl! i know a lot of kiddos that spent a lot of time in their carseats!! we were fortunate with O but i'm not saying that out loud...we may be in for it come tomorrow! elise is a cutie-pie and that last pic is amazing!!!

  4. oh my gosh, she is the cutest little girl! I'm glad that she likes church already, what a sweetheart. can't wait to see her again...she's look so big!


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