Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 Months Old

Elise had her two month doctors appointment today.

(FYI - this post will be boring unless you are a family member who cares about this stuff)

2 Month Stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 4 oz (34th percentile)
Height: 21.5" (18th percentile)
Head Circumference: 37 cm (10th percentile)

She also got two shots in her chubby little thighs and one oral vaccine. Poor thing. Doctor says she doing really good though - she was super impressed with the 3lb 4oz weight gain in the last month. Haha...Mama's got some gooooood milk.

And I don't even have a picture of her today because I think the doctor's appointment and the shots wore her out. Poor little girlie has been cashed out in the bouncy seat (surprise) and on me all day. And y'all have seen enough pictures of Elise asleep in the bouncy seat. Sure is cute though.


  1. Way to go big girl!!! You sound absolutely perfect to me! Sorry about your shots....those really stink! And good job mama on making some fab mama milk!

  2. I always like the nights following shots... they sleep longer than usual. At least it seems that way.

    I need an Elise pic. Even if she is just asleep! ;)


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