Monday, July 5, 2010

Big News...

We've got a name...

Elise Lynn Goote

We love it! We're glad to finally call her something other than "baby girl". I've also been working on another Etsy copycat project for her room...

Her closet is stuffed with cute stuff thanks mostly to my wonderful cousins, along with some precious little outfits from our parents and friends. We're getting ready!

Here we are at 33 weeks. We're so close! On a side note -- I gained 5 pounds overnight. O.VER.NIGHT. I think my scale is broken. Can it blame it on the fact it's 90 and humid? I am dreading my doctor appointment tomorrow.

There were some very patriotic boaters out on the lake this weekend too...Happy 4th of July!


  1. LOVE the name!!! Her room is the cutest ever! We can't wait to meet her!

  2. I love, love, love her name!!! It's perfect and I love the letters you're working on! Don't worry about the weight. It's sooooo discouraging but it happens and you'll lose it. Promise. You look fantastic!!! I can't believe you're already 33 weeks along......Elise will be here before we know it!

  3. sorry, that was actually from me, liz. i'm on sean's computer right now - totally didn't think about that!

  4. It doesn't have the ring to it that all the rhyming names I suggested, but I love it anyway. ;) She is going to be as cute as her name, I just know it. And I agree with Liz, you look SOOOO cute. I think you look TINY for 33 weeks!

  5. P.S. LOVE her name project you did for her wall!

  6. Love love love the name! So cute! I can't wait to see you soon! Bethany

  7. Love the name! Blame the gain on the humidity!

  8. You look great Rachel! Cute mommy-to-be shirt in the picture. :-) Love the name too!

  9. oh man you are cute! Elise is a beautiful name, I absolutely love it! Her letters look awesome, I can't wait to see the rest of her room!!!
    I see some cute familiar clothes hanging there, I cannot wait to see her in them all! I am glad all our goodies are going to be put to use again!

  10. oh man rach, elise's little name thing looks so cute! can't wait for that little girl to get here!


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