Wednesday, June 15, 2011

my big girl

Elise got herself a little stuck today. Or so I thought. (The pictures are in order going clockwise). At first I thought she was stuck and was going to freak out. Not the case. She thought it was so fun she kept going over the chair rails and darted into the kitchen. She liked it so much she did it several times during her laps around the house today.

She's also taken a liking to Ollie. She wants to kiss him. And he's not afraid to kiss her back.

Look at all those teeth! And today she started grinding them together.... worst sound in the world. How do you get a baby to stop doing that? ::shudder::

And - question for the mommies out there: When did your baby start taking only one nap a day? Elise will take a pretty good nap late morning/early afternoon, and then has just started refusing another one. She's happy as can be too. Thoughts?


  1. she sure looks cute crawling through the chair jungle!! love her!

  2. About the teeth grinding...Pete never stopped.

  3. ok, i was loving this post until i saw sweet girl about to open-mouth kiss the dog. tell her that dogs lick their unmentionables.

    o did the teeth grinding thing for just a few days. i think it annoyed her too. hopefully it's like any phase and it'll stop soon.

    dog-kisser or not, she's CUUUUUUUUTIE PIE!


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