Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Voted

Elise and I walked over to the school by our house to vote today. There were several random kids at recess that yelled "I like your baby!!" Is that weird? I thought it was weird. What do I say...uh, "Thanks for liking my baby, kid!?" Ha.

Elise was very bundled up in her adorable pink outfit. Except a guy at the voting place called her a "him". What kind of mother would I be if I dressed my BOY in this thing!?

And to my cousin Emily - Elise LOVES this Baby Bjorn that you generously let me borrow. She will just chill in this thing forever. I've had to wash it because she likes to suck on the front of it for kicks and it was covered in baby drool...

Elise was so exhausted she fell asleep while we were getting her bath ready...


  1. Very patriotic of you Rach. You should have had her carry a little flag. :0)

  2. she must have been SOOO tired! i bet she'd sleep in her bed like that...

  3. What cute red hair she has on that bottom picture!

  4. Awww...she is getting so big Rach!

  5. That pic of her passed out is so cute and makes me laugh. What a great life to be a baby.

    Glad the Bjorn only gets a little drool from her. You are lucky... with mine it was always covered in explosive barf. I even considered getting a barf shield (they actually make those for it.) ;)


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