Thursday, November 11, 2010

Elise Says Hi

Elise is doing lots of big girl things lately.

She can kind of sit up in a chair...

She loves to sit up - you can't hold this girl like a baby or she will let you know you're doing it wrong. And she'll go from super happy to super mad in about a second.

She's started grabbing at toys, and lots of things will just crack her up. Her smile is so cute but it is SO hard to catch on camera!

She slept ELEVEN hours in a row last night!

I usually give her breastmilk in a bottle at night before bed, just so I know she's getting a really full tummy. Every night she will drink all but one or two ounces and refuse to drink any more, so we'll burp her and put her down only for her to cry for 5 or 10 minutes. Then we'll give her the last ounce or two and she will be OUT. I don't get it. She's kind of a drama queen.

And she loves talking lately. It's so adorable. (She was getting a little worried towards the end of this video - that Bumbo seat is still a little scary.)


  1. she sure is a cutie, and i LOVE it when you put videos up, those are the best! Can't wait to see you both!


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