Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Walk Outside

Here is proof it is impossible to get an adorable shot of a two month old in a Baby Bjorn. I promise she smiled a little for part of the walk.
And I am purposefully cropped out of these - I'm having an ugly day. As in, no make-up, ponytail, and I'm pretty sure I hadn't showered yet. No pictures for Rach.


  1. This is too funny Rach! She looks so stiff in there! I love her little hat, she is adorable!

    Can't you stick her little arms through those holes on the sides that are just under the top edge? Or am I remembering wrong?

  2. Her arms actually are where the arm holes are, the front is just folded down. She's just tiny! She may look uncomfy - but this made her stop crying for over an hour!

  3. Her eyebrows are scrunched like something is bothering her! Poor baby. And, I think those pictures ARE cute!


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