Thursday, August 12, 2010


I meant to do this post a long time ago but since Elise decided to surprise us a little early I never got around to it. Elise's nursery! I wanted something girly without being all pink and purple. We love it! I got the wall decal on Etsy and I got crafty with the letters.

And an Elise update: My mom says I now have a "real baby". A little fussy, awake for hours at a time (during the day - THANK YOU JESUS), gassy...Let's just say I haven't showered, I have no make-up on, still in my pajamas and totally sweating. I just hope no one comes to the door or I will scare them with my ugliness. I'm also having a beer with my Lean Cuisine lunch (don't judge - someone told me it was good for breastmilk production - which is the only reason I'm doing it...obviously).

I'm loving it though - this morning she slept on my chest for a good two hours - so sweet. And she can finally fit into a few sleepers! This one is SO cute - Thanks Stacy!
Here's your Elise pic for the day: milk coma.


  1. Sweet baby girl!! I hope her toots aren't hurting her too bad - I'm sure you've been introduced to Mylicon...good stuff if you ask me! Letting my iTunes just play at random today and the song "Whatever Gets You Through Today" came on as I started typing. Have a beer for the good of milk production, have a beer because it's hot, have a beer just 'cause! Whatever gets you through!!

  2. Her room is ADORABLE! I'm cracking up at all her bows... bet you can't wait to get them on that cute little head of hers. It will get WAY easier soon, but she won't ever be that tiny and snuggly ever again so hold her tight! Love ya, Rach.

  3. I love her nursery, so warm and sweet looking! It is great!!!
    I remember my daily beer, it was always wonderful!
    I can just see Maddie wearing that sleeper, it was WAY cute on a baby, but doesn't really look like anything special when just laying out. And so soft :)

  4. I miss her sweet face! I think Auntie Aubrey might have to make a visit this weekend! I don't even care if you don't have make up and are wearing your pajamas. :)

  5. She's so sweet! That must have been hard work eating all the milk!


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