Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today's been a little rough. We went out to the lake this morning to say goodbye to Auntie Lauren who was in town, and then headed home to see Grandpa and Grandma Goote who were stopping by. After that, Elise decided that she didn't want to sleep at all, and was not happy no matter where she was. She would fall asleep in my arms, and if I attempted to move it was over. I busted out the hotsling my wonderful cousin Emily sent to me, and after three different YouTube video demonstrations I finally wiggled her in there.
(yes, that's my boob in the picture. They're sorta big now so I can't help it.)

She was good and cozy for a little while in there while I made dinner and cleaned some stuff.

Note to future self: Do NOT attempt to transfer sleeping baby from hotsling to bouncy seat. You will regret it and spend the next hour walking laps around your house with a crying baby.

This is my daily look nowadays - no makeup, air-dried hair and probably wearing the same thing I wore yesterday. Life as a mother of newborn is definitely not glamourous, but it sure is comfy.
We think Elise is going through some sort of growth spurt or something. She is needing to eat every two hours or she's really fussy. And gassy. I'm so sleepy.....


  1. At least we got your eyebrows plucked this morning!

  2. It's so funny to picture you with a crying baby watching youtube videos about slings! She sure does look cozy, though!

  3. she sure slept nice for Auntie Lauren this morning! she just must be missing me

  4. That girl is SO cute. And you are cute too, even without makeup and looking comfy!

  5. pregnancy and nursing boobs are the best....enjoy them while you can!

    she looks perfectly content. until your next move, right?!?! you look perfectly content too.


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