Saturday, March 16, 2013


I've officially joined the world of smart phones.   And all the pictures I took this week are from my phone - since I'm kind of obsessed with Instagram.   It makes ordinary things look super cute. 

Like Elise playing with the iPad while I get ready...

Her new umbrella from Grandma...

Painting with Daddy...

This is the spot she chose to watch her show.   Little weirdo. 

She loves the pony at Meijer.  
"pease mommy I need a penny."

My cousin Matt is famous - he was in the Calvin Spark!

Sweetheart was so sick last night.   I had a craft night with my MOPS group and Nick called and said I'd better come home.   We went through all our sheets, blankets, and jammies.   The washing machine is working overtime today.   

She was much better this morning. 


  1. Poor little sickie.

    You are a much nicer mommy than my mom. We never got to put money into the Meijer's pony. We just had to sit on it and "pretend it's moving."

  2. Oh my word em! You are not remembering right, because it was only a penny and we always did it! Wait, maybe that was Pete?

  3. Aww... sick kids are so sad!!! I cannot believe that pony is only a penny still! I actually do remember doing that one!


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