Monday, August 29, 2011

the results are in.

Good news, people!  Test results are back.  

Bone marrow is clear.  Cancer is limited to above my diaphragm, on the left side.  We are so so so happy.   I am officially diagnosed as Stage II Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  However, the PET scan showed the mass on my chest is 11cm by 5cm.  It also showed some spots above my collarbone and the one I felt in my armpit.  There's also a small spot on my neck.  For comparison's sake - the large mass is about as big as my cell phone:

So, we move forward with the same plan as before.  8-12 chemo treatments, every 2 weeks, probably starting September 13.  The good news of being Stage II is that the odds of being "cured" are higher than if I was at a more advanced stage.  We are all super happy with the test results.  They are the best they could possibly be at this point.  Tomorrow we have a consult with a radiologist to see if radiation will be necessary.  We'll keep you posted.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Big smiles all around here! This is the best news! Truly an answer to many prayers!

  2. I'm so happy for your results, Rachel. We continue to pray for you every day!

  3. Sandy J Nuismer (Demoray)August 29, 2011 at 9:50 PM

    so happy for the both of you We will continue to pray for your swift recovery.

  4. Oh good! This is the best news!

  5. SO GLAD to hear!
    We'll keep praying for more good news, Rach.



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