Saturday, July 23, 2011

Her first year.

Dear Sweet Elise,

Today, on your birthday weekend you came down with a fever.  You were completely unlike your normal sweet, happy, smiley self and it broke my heart.  You only wanted to be held.  By your mom.  Which actually I totally loved.  Hopefully you are back to normal tomorrow so you can dive into your birthday cupcake!

It's so hard to believe you have grown from "just a bag of sugar!" as your Great Grandma would say, to a laughing, walking, talking little person.   I love going into your room to get you in the mornings.  You are usually standing in your crib just waiting with a huge grin.  Then you get a little embarrassed and have to lay down and "hug the bed" a few times before you're ready to get out.  

These days you are toddling around the house, sometimes crawling, but mostly walking.  We have to make sure the baby gate is up or you will climb the stairs in about a minute.  You want everything Mommy and Daddy have.  Coffee, a magazine, Daddy's glasses...  all are much more fun than all your toys. 

As you're turning one, I find I'm much more aware of how big you are getting.  When we put you to bed at night, you once would fit perfectly on our chests, and your legs that used to be full of cute chubby rolls have quickly turned skinny.   You have opinions.  You will only drink the bottle if you can do it yourself.   You'll push our hands away when we try to help.  You're turning into a toddler!

Elise, we are so happy to have you.  We love your generous open-mouthed kisses and snuggly hugs.  I love how you yell "dadadada!" out the window when we wait for Daddy to come home from work.   Daddy loves it when he walks in the door and you drop whatever you're doing and get to him as fast as possible.  

You are more than we could have ever hoped for.
We love you Elise!

Love, Mommy & Daddy


  1. That is such a sweet letter, and those are such sweet pictures. Love you guys - hope Elise feels better soon! Can't wait to see pics of Elise with her b-day cupcake!

  2. Oh my word, that gave me a tear. I had to clean off the iPod!!

  3. That's from me and mom...hers is still broken.

  4. Happy Birthday, cute little Elise! Feel better soon.

  5. What a sweet letter! She is a very lucky girl!


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