Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day 2010

Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever! Seriously...look how much I'm having at the beach! I'm sure it's loads of fun to watch a two year old by the water. Thanks Dad. My time is coming...

And here we are: 31 weeks pregnant. When Nick comes home from work now I am frequently greeted with a "Whoa. Hey pregnant lady!"

And a HUGE thank you to my wonderful cousin Emily, who I'm pretty sure sent me everything Caroline has worn the first year of her life. We love it all. It's so fun to see her drawers full of cute things for her to wear!

Side note: we saw the movie "Babies" this weekend. All I can say is that I am really glad I don't live in Namibia or Mongolia. And that movie has a lot of "tribal" nudity that made us all a little uncomfortable. And babies are really dirty all the time in Africa. Wow. But there were some super cute and funny moments so it was still pretty good. You can watch the trailer here.


  1. Just got home and checked your blog. You're welcome! You look adorable on those pics (including the present day one). I can remember you looking like all those baby pics except for your newborn one. Awwwww. Your baby is going to be so cute if she looks even halfway as cute as you!

  2. Oh Rach, her drawers are going to be COMPLETELY full after you visit me this weekend :)
    You look so cute, can't wait to see you in person!

  3. Wow Rach, I have a tear. Thanks for such saying such nice things. Those are really cute pictures from a long time ago... I'm surprised you were able to find them, specially the ones with the big glasses. I absolutely cannot wait to play on the beach with Baby Goote.


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