Last week I returned to the good old Lemmen Holten Cancer Pavilion for my first CT scan in a year. CT scan are super quick. I just need to drink the barium smoothie (yum...ick) and then they do a contrast IV. I usually get a latte on the way home. Then on Friday I went to see Dr. Lakhani who gave me the all clear. It's been nearly three years since I finished treatment and we're still cancer free. So that's super awesome.
I brought Charlotte with me to the appointment and Lauren walked across the street from the NICU to join us. Charlotte was all smiles and completely stole the show. Elise was thrilled because Grandma got to pick her up from preschool.
I still get a stomachache sitting in that waiting area. I totally sympathize with all those people waiting to be called back for chemo. I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling. Ugh.
In other's been snowing for days. Before Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure when it looks like a winter wonderland out there Christmas decorations are warranted. I mean really - we're supposed to get six more inches today. Every school here had snow days today and I'm pretty sure our road hasn't been plowed yet. Only kids get excited about this much snow around here.
Elise was SO excited.
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Oh my gosh I LOVE this baby.
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My mom lets Elise roam free in Sephora. She knows where all the makeup applicators are. She thinks she looks "super duper beautiful". She also walked through the mall to the car like this.
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We tried the bumbo! Charlotte liked it for about three minutes.
Two of my very favorite people.
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